Leadership Skills

We have observed that the longer people serve in leadership roles, the more they realise the importance of building relationships. They come to see this ability as vitally important for success.

Developing stronger workplace relationships provides your organisation with several benefits:

  • Strong business relationships make the workplace more enjoyable, which leads to increased staff retention.
  •  Positive relationships facilitate a sense of freedom, which energises & motivates staff.
  •  Instead of spending time and energy overcoming the problems associated with negative relationships, people, instead, focus on their work.
  • Business relationships can be leveraged to make collaboration easier, which leads to achieving greater efficiencies.
  • Clients, suppliers, and key stakeholders are all essential to our success. So no surprise that it’s important to build and maintain strong relationships with these people as well.

Clients, suppliers, and key stakeholders are all essential to our success. So no surprise that it’s important to build and maintain strong relationships with these people as well.

Course Format

Face-To-Face workshop

Virtual / Instructor-Led Online Course

Designed For

Managers, Senior Leaders, Technical Professionals

Leaders of virtual teams need to align, direct, and develop their people. In the absence of face-to-face interactions, leaders of virtual teams must leverage new strategies for developing an environment that is conducive to participation, sharing of ideas, and effective collaboration. 

To do this, these leaders need to be able to communicate in a way that builds trust and rapport, and facilitate team interactions that are inclusive, focused, and productive. In this experience, leaders will learn and practice new behaviors and approaches to help them succeed.

Benefits of Building Trusting Relationships

Picture your leaders engaging their remote teams effortlessly, learning to communicate in a way that builds trust and rapport, and facilitate team interactions that are inclusive, focused, and productive. In this experience, leaders will learn and practice new behaviors and approaches to help them succeed with a dispersed team.

Learning Objectives

Leading Authentically – Building Trusting Relationships provides a highly experiential approach to development, combining pre-work, a classroom workshop, and reinforcement to strengthen learning outcomes.

Participants leave with:

  • The ability to leverage their personal and professional strengths and values to build trust and lead authentically.
  • New skills, including empathic listening and clear communication, to enhance 1:1 interactions with team members, clients and managers.
  • An action plan with specific steps on how to continue developing new skills.