Leadership Skills

Course Format

Face-To-Face workshop

Virtual / Instructor-Led Online Course

Designed For

Managers, Senior Leaders, Technical Professionals

Leaders of virtual teams need to align, direct, and develop their people. In the absence of face-to-face interactions, leaders of virtual teams must leverage new strategies for developing an environment that is conducive to participation, sharing of ideas, and effective collaboration. 

To do this, these leaders need to be able to communicate in a way that builds trust and rapport, and facilitate team interactions that are inclusive, focused, and productive. In this experience, leaders will learn and practice new behaviors and approaches to help them succeed.

Empowered and Influential Women Leaders

Picture your leaders engaging their remote teams effortlessly, learning to communicate in a way that builds trust and rapport, and facilitate team interactions that are inclusive, focused, and productive. In this experience, leaders will learn and practice new behaviors and approaches to help them succeed with a dispersed team.

Executive Presence for Women Workshops

Designed for women at all levels in organisations who want to:

  • Better articulate what they need 
  • Demonstrate greater confidence and credibility in how they show up in one-on-one meetings or in one-on-many situations
  • Claim their value. 

There are two options available: 

Option #1: Half-day in-person workshop

Learning Objectives:  

  • Demonstrate the behavioral signals of executive presence
  • Communicate the value they bring to the organisation, team or project in a clear and compelling personal brand statement 
  • Build awareness of their strengths and areas for growth around Executive Presence

Option #2: Two-day transformative limited to 12 people with intensive coaching by the facilitator targeted at women leaders.

Learning Objectives:

  • Engage, motivate and inspire those they engage with through an agile command of their own leadership presence
  • Communicate authentically to build or repair trust
  • Build relationships by being effective listeners who demonstrate empathy and find common ground
  • Use storytelling and metaphors to engage others.