Engineers are easygoing yet private. They are logical and enjoy analysing complex problems. They thrive on the theoretical and like to figure out how things work. They are independent intellectuals.
Direct their energy inward, and are Intuitive. They are energised by spending time alone. They are private and typically not socially inclined. They are focused on the future and see endless possibilities. They are inventive, imaginative and complex. Their thought process is theoretical and abstract.
They are Thinkers that make decisions with their head. They are impersonal, objective and logical, carefree and spontaneous. They dislikes routine and rules, like to keep their options open. Their style is relaxed and flexible.
(Based on Myers Briggs Type Indicator (INTP)
Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Thinking (T), Perceiving (P))
Why engineers need strong communication skills
“So what” one would ask?
Stereotyping any profession has imminent problems. However, in today’s environment engineers, and technical specialists of any type, are called on to assist in the sales process and to influence the key stakeholders in organisations. These require different characteristics such as:
• Being able to identify their strengths and limitations and accept them so they can connect confidently with the key influencers.
• Be able to be completely in the moment, flexible enough to handle the unexpected, be mentally focused on the customer’s need.
• Be curious about the customer, what they need and be able to listen with empathy and high emotional intelligence as well as ask questions that build stronger relationship.
• Be able to express themselves fully, using voice, body, face and emotions to deliver one congruent message.
You cannot risk engineers not to have these skills, which we call “PRESENCE”. Engineers with PRESENCE are invaluable in the sales process and in constant demand from salespeople to accompany them into high stakes customer meetings. Engineers with high PRESENCE play a vital role in instilling trust and confidence with the customers. Engineers with PRESENCE help get the deal.
The great news is that PRESENCE can be learned.
George Abramowicz – Director, Ariel Australia
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