How to create & manage workplace diversity
Andre Alphonso • January 2, 2019

We all know that leaders today need to embrace diversity and inclusion. Research has consistently proved that more diverse teams get better results and we know that because the benefits impact not just the moral and ethical standing of a business, which is so critical, but also on the bottom line.

Benefits of diversity in the workplace

McKinsey found that ethnically and culturally diverse companies are 33% more likely to outperform competitors in their industry. Diverse teams can pull from a broader range of perspectives and approaches to solve problems and generate new ideas. Furthermore, diverse teams have the advantage of being more representative of the ever-diversifying consumer market and the general population of most industrialized countries.

How to create diversity in the workplace

Organizations have invested heavily in policies and practises for a top-down approach, but this issue is so much more. Our view at Ariel is that a bottom-up approach is also required. Regardless of gender, or age, or background, companies have to invest in empowering employees to embrace their diversity

By encouraging employees to develop meaningful communication skills to showcase their different points of view, and giving them the leadership skills to flourish up the corporate ladder, businesses can reap the benefits of a diversified workforce in practice, not just on paper.

Diversity management in practice

We worked with Baker McKenzie, one of the leading global law firms in Australia, to help their female partners break through to the upper tiers of the business both internally and externally. We conducted classes & workshops to help them find their voice and make their points of view heard in their business.

Our courses empowered them to show up to meetings with greater personal presence and to be their authentic selves, not trying to be someone else. By allowing them to maximise their personal presence, and use diversity as a skill, not a hindrance, they were able to not only advance within the business, but they become more effective when communicating with clients & prospects throughout the Australia & Asia Pacific region.

Leaders have a greater duty, now more than ever, to ensure that not only are they embracing diversity inclusion, but investing in the right skills for their people. Skills that allow their managers and team members to harness their differences through to maximise their productivity, problem-solving abilities, and their capacity to build meaningful working relationships within and outside the organization.

To find out more about how to create and manage workplace diversity in your business, contact us to discuss your team’s goals and requirements.

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