The Ariel Formula for Business Storytelling
Andre Alphonso • May 17, 2021

Told any good stories lately? No? Well you might want to start.

Professionals often use stories to connect with the hearts and minds of their clients to influence action, and here we explain our formula for business storytelling.

The Power of Storytelling

A powerful communication tool, stories can:

  • Capture attention
  • Build trust and credibility
  • Deliver messages and insights with impact
  • Differentiate your team in an increasingly commoditised world.

Business discussions and presentations can easily fall into facts-and-figures conversations. Stories present information in a format that makes it easier for the audience to receive, comprehend, and retain.

At Ariel Group Australia, storytelling is a central leadership competence we develop in many of our courses and programs, not only because it connects messages to the head and the heart, but also because it is a powerful tool for building a relationship with the audience, whether an audience of one or many.

The Ariel Formula for Business Storytelling

1. State The Business Context 

“We are meeting today to talk about the recent HR announcement …”

2. Segue To The Story

“But before I do that, let me tell you a story.”

3. Tell The Story

“As a student I…”

4. State What You Learned

“What I learned from this experience…”

5. State What We Can Learn

“What we can learn from this experience…”

6. Connect To The Business Challenge

“So, as we face this challenging period…”

The Power of Storytelling Course – 16 June 2021

If you’d like to learn how to influence and inspire others through the power of storytelling, sign up to Ariel’s Power Of Storytelling live virtual course on 16 June 2021.  Book Now.

Need help telling your story?

Ariel Group Australia also offers Storytelling with Presence, a course specifically designed to help leaders, managers and subject matter experts convey information with impact and influence.

And don’t hesitate to contact Ariel Group Australia or follow us on Linked In

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